Carl Cashman
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Carl Cashman on Sept 11, 2017 16:34:04 GMT 1, Free as a bird
Free as a bird
Carl Cashman
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Carl Cashman on Sept 11, 2017 18:39:24 GMT 1, Sat eating dinner with gunfire and gas in the distance, little bit of perspective outside of the safety of the walled off
Sat eating dinner with gunfire and gas in the distance, little bit of perspective outside of the safety of the walled off
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by chevyav53 on Sept 11, 2017 19:04:39 GMT 1, New Piece for the Art the Arms Fair
New Piece for the Art the Arms Fair
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by chevyav53 on Sept 11, 2017 19:07:50 GMT 1, Love that starting price. Add a few more zeros for the final price.
Love that starting price. Add a few more zeros for the final price.
Carl Cashman
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Carl Cashman on Sept 11, 2017 19:10:13 GMT 1, Speaking of arms, these gummy drones are given out at arms seen in the museum fairs
Speaking of arms, these gummy drones are given out at arms seen in the museum fairs
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January 1970
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Deleted on Sept 11, 2017 19:13:44 GMT 1,
Great cause. Donation made instead of a bid as I'm sure the artwork is going to extend beyond my reach.
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by chevyav53 on Sept 11, 2017 19:15:37 GMT 1, It is a good cause. How much you think this will go for. I say 6 figures given it is an original and a great cause and piece. It's awesome Banksy puts out piece for such causes as this and at the Walled Off hotel but also heartbreaking as out of reach.
It is a good cause. How much you think this will go for. I say 6 figures given it is an original and a great cause and piece. It's awesome Banksy puts out piece for such causes as this and at the Walled Off hotel but also heartbreaking as out of reach.
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February 2016
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by nobokov on Sept 11, 2017 19:18:21 GMT 1, It is a good cause. How much you think this will go for. I say 6 figures given it is an original and a great cause and piece. It's awesome Banksy puts out piece for such causes as this and at the Walled Off hotel but also heartbreaking as out of reach. I feel like it's a cliched and uninspired piece. But since it's a banksy it'll bring money to a cause he supports. It's a better idea to release his work through charities these days.
It is a good cause. How much you think this will go for. I say 6 figures given it is an original and a great cause and piece. It's awesome Banksy puts out piece for such causes as this and at the Walled Off hotel but also heartbreaking as out of reach. I feel like it's a cliched and uninspired piece. But since it's a banksy it'll bring money to a cause he supports. It's a better idea to release his work through charities these days.
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November 2015
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by nawf on Sept 11, 2017 19:21:44 GMT 1, Sat eating dinner with gunfire and gas in the distance, little bit of perspective outside of the safety of the walled off No one cares about that though? It seems people are more concerned about buying some merchandise in the hopes of profit over peoples well being. All very sad.
Stay safe Carl.
Sat eating dinner with gunfire and gas in the distance, little bit of perspective outside of the safety of the walled off No one cares about that though? It seems people are more concerned about buying some merchandise in the hopes of profit over peoples well being. All very sad. Stay safe Carl.
Carl Cashman
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Carl Cashman on Sept 11, 2017 20:51:20 GMT 1, Sat eating dinner with gunfire and gas in the distance, little bit of perspective outside of the safety of the walled off No one cares about that though? It seems people are more concerned about buying some merchandise in the hopes of profit over peoples well being. All very sad. Stay safe Carl. Kicking off outside now, kids throwing stones and soldiers shooting tear gas
Sat eating dinner with gunfire and gas in the distance, little bit of perspective outside of the safety of the walled off No one cares about that though? It seems people are more concerned about buying some merchandise in the hopes of profit over peoples well being. All very sad. Stay safe Carl. Kicking off outside now, kids throwing stones and soldiers shooting tear gas
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November 2007
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Nuno on Sept 11, 2017 21:00:40 GMT 1, No one cares about that though? It seems people are more concerned about buying some merchandise in the hopes of profit over peoples well being. All very sad. Stay safe Carl. Kicking off outside now, kids throwing stones and soldiers shooting tear gas
If you go on the tour you will learn of a child killed from 200m for throwing stones. Just be careful.
No one cares about that though? It seems people are more concerned about buying some merchandise in the hopes of profit over peoples well being. All very sad. Stay safe Carl. Kicking off outside now, kids throwing stones and soldiers shooting tear gas If you go on the tour you will learn of a child killed from 200m for throwing stones. Just be careful.
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February 2011
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by JW on Sept 11, 2017 21:02:13 GMT 1, Stay safe.
I was there during Ramadan, which in hindsight was a good move as everything was fairly subdued. The kids in the refugee camp said that the soldiers tend to take it easy on them during that time...
Stay safe.
I was there during Ramadan, which in hindsight was a good move as everything was fairly subdued. The kids in the refugee camp said that the soldiers tend to take it easy on them during that time...
Carl Cashman
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Carl Cashman on Sept 11, 2017 21:05:28 GMT 1, Kicking off outside now, kids throwing stones and soldiers shooting tear gas If you go on the tour you will learn of a child killed from 200m for throwing stones. Just be careful. Yer we just drove through it, back at the hotel now ✌
Kicking off outside now, kids throwing stones and soldiers shooting tear gas If you go on the tour you will learn of a child killed from 200m for throwing stones. Just be careful. Yer we just drove through it, back at the hotel now ✌
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December 2016
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by lukehiggy on Sept 11, 2017 21:11:33 GMT 1, Great cause, but not a fan of the piece think he's getting Lazy if it wasn't a banksy would any one even look twice at it?
Great cause, but not a fan of the piece think he's getting Lazy if it wasn't a banksy would any one even look twice at it?
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Rouen Cathedral on Sept 11, 2017 21:27:36 GMT 1, Great cause, but not a fan of the piece think he's getting Lazy if it wasn't a banksy would any one even look twice at it?
That piece is pretty poor.
Great cause, but not a fan of the piece think he's getting Lazy if it wasn't a banksy would any one even look twice at it? 100% That piece is pretty poor.
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Laugh Now 10 on Sept 11, 2017 21:37:41 GMT 1, New Piece for the Art the Arms Fair
the style reminds me of the piece he did on the side of that elementary school in Bristol
New Piece for the Art the Arms Fair the style reminds me of the piece he did on the side of that elementary school in Bristol
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by chevyav53 on Sept 11, 2017 22:15:37 GMT 1, Don't see this as Lazy at all. If anything I see it as a reminder that those bombs are killing children hence the child with their pet watching their home destroyed probably with their parents. A F$%# powerful piece for me in its simplicity.
Don't see this as Lazy at all. If anything I see it as a reminder that those bombs are killing children hence the child with their pet watching their home destroyed probably with their parents. A F$%# powerful piece for me in its simplicity.
avec art
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March 2014
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by avec art on Sept 11, 2017 22:23:39 GMT 1, It's direct and hard hitting. A reminder that people can still stand up to an arms 'fair'. What a sorry state of affairs.
It's direct and hard hitting. A reminder that people can still stand up to an arms 'fair'. What a sorry state of affairs.
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February 2009
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by nex on Sept 11, 2017 22:24:03 GMT 1, He's donated a piece to a cause he cares about and the narrative is displaying that drone attacks happen 'outside' a picture, in effect denoting the futility of art and reality of the cause.
If only he could do something as meaningful and caring as Faile, eelus, invader, dface, tabby, etc etc
He's donated a piece to a cause he cares about and the narrative is displaying that drone attacks happen 'outside' a picture, in effect denoting the futility of art and reality of the cause.
If only he could do something as meaningful and caring as Faile, eelus, invader, dface, tabby, etc etc
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September 2014
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Matt on Sept 11, 2017 22:26:23 GMT 1, It's great that it will raise money for a much deserved cause.
But seriously the piece itself is quite bad. Looks like a bad art project, so literal, so easy.
No wit, irony, depth... coming from Banksy this is really strange
The caption on the IG is also super strange, not the usual tone...
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:43.657407407407405% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">My contribution to the Art the Arms Fair exhibition, which opens opposite the world's biggest arms fair - held this week in London.</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by Banksy (@banksy) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2017-09-11T17:57:09+00:00">Sep 11, 2017 at 10:57am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//"></script>
It's great that it will raise money for a much deserved cause.
But seriously the piece itself is quite bad. Looks like a bad art project, so literal, so easy.
No wit, irony, depth... coming from Banksy this is really strange
The caption on the IG is also super strange, not the usual tone...
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:43.657407407407405% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">My contribution to the Art the Arms Fair exhibition, which opens opposite the world's biggest arms fair - held this week in London.</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by Banksy (@banksy) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2017-09-11T17:57:09+00:00">Sep 11, 2017 at 10:57am PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//"></script>
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Rouen Cathedral on Sept 11, 2017 22:36:05 GMT 1, Here come all the defenders lining up with banksy colored glasses on!
Like clockwork.
Here come all the defenders lining up with banksy colored glasses on!
Like clockwork.
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April 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by mfb on Sept 11, 2017 22:38:03 GMT 1, I found that comments regarding anything that Banksy does come in order of the following 3 categories:
1. No way, Banksy just did that.... Awesome 2. I just don't get it, why would he do something like that? 3. Genius... absolute genius he is, I've told you's all along he's a genius!!!
Good tip with Banksy is to wait for category 3 and all makes sense!!
I found that comments regarding anything that Banksy does come in order of the following 3 categories:
1. No way, Banksy just did that.... Awesome 2. I just don't get it, why would he do something like that? 3. Genius... absolute genius he is, I've told you's all along he's a genius!!!
Good tip with Banksy is to wait for category 3 and all makes sense!!
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Rouen Cathedral on Sept 11, 2017 22:39:12 GMT 1, It's direct and hard hitting. A reminder that people can still stand up to an arms 'fair'. What a sorry state of affairs.
Hard hitting? How?
Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.
It's direct and hard hitting. A reminder that people can still stand up to an arms 'fair'. What a sorry state of affairs. Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.
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August 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by chevyav53 on Sept 11, 2017 22:57:24 GMT 1, It's direct and hard hitting. A reminder that people can still stand up to an arms 'fair'. What a sorry state of affairs. Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? But wait his alter ego 3D can do that.... A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that....
It's direct and hard hitting. A reminder that people can still stand up to an arms 'fair'. What a sorry state of affairs. Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? But wait his alter ego 3D can do that.... A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that....
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February 2009
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by nex on Sept 11, 2017 22:58:15 GMT 1, Here come all the defenders lining up with banksy colored glasses on! Like clockwork.
And then there's you with your exact same narrative as always
Just for once come up with a reasoned well thought out counter point and let's have a reasoned conversation?
Here come all the defenders lining up with banksy colored glasses on! Like clockwork. And then there's you with your exact same narrative as always Just for once come up with a reasoned well thought out counter point and let's have a reasoned conversation? Please
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January 1970
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Deleted on Sept 11, 2017 23:01:12 GMT 1, Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? But wait his alter ego 3D can do that.... A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that.... Very Good....
Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? But wait his alter ego 3D can do that.... A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that.... Very Good....
🗨️ 0
January 1970
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Deleted on Sept 11, 2017 23:23:27 GMT 1, I find it hard hitting in terms of the horrifying contrast between a child like drawing and the gross reality of robots dropping bombs on peoples houses. Yes we see it on the news, and it's no less disturbing then. I don't like the fact our elected governments allow 'fairs' like this, so that rich and powerful people can arm themselves or flip weapons. Had the artist not done this I probably wouldn't be aware that it was taking place. So it's already served a purpose by bringing the issue to peoples attention, whether you like it or not how he's chosen to portray it. Our elected Government attend these fairs!! not only the rich and powerful, I think Banksy has nailed it with this piece..very powerful indeed for those that see the message.
Mark my words Drones are going to become very intrusive in all our life's in the coming years
I find it hard hitting in terms of the horrifying contrast between a child like drawing and the gross reality of robots dropping bombs on peoples houses. Yes we see it on the news, and it's no less disturbing then. I don't like the fact our elected governments allow 'fairs' like this, so that rich and powerful people can arm themselves or flip weapons. Had the artist not done this I probably wouldn't be aware that it was taking place. So it's already served a purpose by bringing the issue to peoples attention, whether you like it or not how he's chosen to portray it. Our elected Government attend these fairs!! not only the rich and powerful, I think Banksy has nailed it with this piece..very powerful indeed for those that see the message. Mark my words Drones are going to become very intrusive in all our life's in the coming years
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by Rouen Cathedral on Sept 11, 2017 23:28:23 GMT 1, Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? But wait his alter ego 3D can do that.... A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that....
Great banksy is selling out for the money? Is that what you are saying?
Hard hitting? How? Drone strikes have been happening for 10 years. And he chooses to portray it as a cartoon.A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? But wait his alter ego 3D can do that.... A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that.... Great banksy is selling out for the money? Is that what you are saying?
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January 2017
Banksy, Walled Off Hotel, GIFT SHOP, by medichead on Sept 11, 2017 23:38:50 GMT 1, A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that.... Great banksy is selling out for the money? Is that what you are saying?
Just stop, now. Stop with the endless questions. Just state your opinion and move on. Give us a break from this.
A cartoon people will pay big money for which will further the cause. You want a bloodied up Francis Bacon type of a piece that captures the grotesque brutality of war but generates no money for the cause? Let his alter ego 3D do that.... Great banksy is selling out for the money? Is that what you are saying? Just stop, now. Stop with the endless questions. Just state your opinion and move on. Give us a break from this. Please.